President: Emily Forney
Name: Fourknees
Type: Linguist
Number: 39
Location: The mysterious Fourknees has been spotted in the secluded regions of Ohio. Rumors exist of an additional colony of Fourknees in urban Pennsylvannia, but these are widely dismissed.
- Speak Russian: causes confusion and paralysis.
- Organize: raises both defense and attack.
- Jigsaw: especially effective against the wood type.
Weaknesses: Fourknees is known to be weak against the ignorance type. The Bad Grammar attack is currently the most effective technique of combating a Fourknees.
First Vice President: Adam "Bubbles" Leibowitz
Name: Bubblesaurus
Type: Water
Number: 4
Location: Bubblesauri are often found along the edge of water. Hot springs in Connecticut and mountain streams in the Sahara are particularly common places to find a happy, swimming Bubblesaurus.
- Improvise: deflects opponents attack back to opponent.
- Bubble: effective against fire types.
- Orient: increases attack, especially in a group fighting situation.
Weaknesses: The Bubblesaurus is vulnerable to the grass type and shiny type. Free Skittles is an attack that is super-effective against a Bubblesaurus.
Second Vice President: Timothy Vaughan
Name: Sealeague
Type: Music
Number: 120
Location: Sealeagues can be found all across Texas, with high concentrations residing in the Houston area. Sealeagues are nomadic, known to wander the state in search of folk songs and brisket.
- Play Guitar: charms opponents.
- Shout: paralyzes everyone within earshot.
- Evil Seafood: this attack can result in poisoning or paralysis.
Weaknesses: An attack from an ice type can devestate a Sealeague. Also, fire types are immune to the Evil Seafood attack.
Corresponding Secretary: Margaret Meyerhofer
Name: Arfeline
Type: Kitten
Number: 60
Location: The Arfeline makes its home where ever there is a steady supply of food, shelter, and devoted attendees. Originating in the wildlands of upstate New York, Arfeline colonies have spread across the country.
- Purr: lowers enemy attack.
- Gymnasticize: increases strength.
- Do Math: intimidates opponent.
Weaknesses: The Arfeline is particularly weak against the dog type. They are also known to suffer confusion when not surrounded by adoring humans.
Recording Secretary: Timothy Broman
Name: Hitmonbro
Type: Fighting
Number: 108
Location: The Hitmonbroes live in monasteries scattered across Wisconsin, studying the arts of fighting, Ultimate Frisbee, and partying.
- Electrical Safety: boosts defense.
- Assassinate: a one-time use, super-effective attack.
- Decide: Increases attack.
Weaknesses: The Hitmonbro is vulnerable to storm types. In particular, attacks such as Rain and Strong Wind are super-effective.
Treasurer: Kelly Harrington
Name: Pennychu
Type: Metal
Number: 27
Location: The Pennychu is found in populated areas of New Jersey, typically around banks. Colonies exist in Pennsylvannia and New York, and they are known to sleep in vending machines when given the opportunity.
- Newspaper: increases defense while increasing the opponent's attack.
- Construct: increases attack and defense.
- Thunder Snow: this attack is super-effective against water types and metal sleds.
Weaknesses: Pennychu's are easily distracted by opponents of the shiny type, losing virtually all will to attack.
Sergeant At Arms: Clyde Shaffer
Name: Manbat
Type: Flying
Number: 43
Location: Manbats are typically found in New York City. They nest on the sides of buildings, preferably at least 38 stories off the ground.
- Grappling Hook: boosts defense.
- Scramble: increases speed.
- Nerf Mine: a time-delayed super-effective attack.
Weaknesses: The Manbat cannot long survive without nearby skyscrapers. They become morose and listless, eventually leaving in search of higher buildings. The safety type is also effective against an attacking Manbat.
-Officer files compiled by Margaret Meyerhofer. Pay no attention to the girl behind the computer.
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