Activities Distractions People Propaganda
Carnegie Mellon KGB
  • Posted by Margaret Meyerhofer on 10-07-2012
    T-Shirt Archive Updated
    Our t-shirt page now contains every shirt we have a picture of.
  • Posted by Margaret Meyerhofer on 07-22-2012
    2011-2012 Pravda!?
    Pravda?! from the past year have been put up. Head over to Propaganda to get your fill of tall tales and kitten tails.
  • Posted by Margaret Meyerhofer on 05-28-2012
    2012 Officer Bios
    The 2012-2013 officer bios have been posted! Learn the dark secrets of your elected officials.
  • Posted by Josiah on 11-29-2010
    2010 Officer Bios
    Bios have been posted for the 2010-2011 officers. Head over and check them out!
  • Posted by Josiah on 04-20-2010
    Officers for 2010

    • President: jboning
    • First Vice President: eforney
    • Second Vice President: zsparks
    • Corresponding Secretary: akouriat
    • Recording Secretary: twright
    • Treasurer: smccormi
    • Sergeant At Arms: aleibowi

    An officer bio page should be up sometime in the near future.

    (Also, what, another news post?!)

  • Posted by Derek on 07-10-2009
    Site News
    Wait... What is this? An update? Impossible I know, so there's nothing to see. Go about your business citizen!
  • Posted by Abe on 09-23-2005
    Site News
    This web site is now hosted in Pittsburgh on KGB's own server. Updates should be coming Real Soon Now.
  • Posted by Abe on 03-25-2005
    CTFWS Rules
    Rules for the Spring 2005 edition of CTFWS have been posted.
  • Posted by Abe on 01-14-2005
    New Exec Meeting Time
    Meetings of the Executive Board have been moved a half-hour earlier to 5:00 PM (17:00h). The location remains as UC 303.
  • Posted by Abe on 11-19-2004
    CTFWS Rules
    Rules for the Fall 2004 edition of CTFWS have been posted, with a few minor but notable changes.
  • Posted by Abe on 08-23-2004
    Welcome to the glorious new KGB web site. Although the content remains largely the same, the design and backend is completely new. Minor updates will follow in the upcoming week to clean things up, including better Mac/Unix fonts.
  • Posted by Abe on 08-12-2004
    Real Soon Now
    The site's still under development, and underdeveloped in general. Many things will be broken, although this site is hosted in its home for the time until someone sets up kremsparc or its replacement. At least these news items are now database-driven.

    If you have banner images or other media contact me.
  • Posted by Ed on 01-07-2004
    • After a long hiatus, certain improvements to the KremSparc server have allowed me to resume maintainance of the KGB site! I have a LOT of content to add, so be patient and it'll trickle in. Here's the first batch:
    • The Online Calendar is now running off of a much faster server, and is finally accessible to DSL users as well!
    • The KGB Market has been unveiled, though it's currently little more than a shrine to KGB T-Shirts, past and present.
    • Pictures from the Meet the Officers dinner are finally up.
  • Posted by Cort on 12-06-2000
    The Last Update for a Long Time
    • After a long hiatus, certain improvements to the KremSparc server have allowed me to resume maintainance of the KGB site! I have a LOT of content to add, so be patient and it'll trickle in. Here's the first batch:
    • The Online Calendar is now running off of a much faster server, and is finally accessible to DSL users as well!
    • The KGB Market has been unveiled, though it's currently little more than a shrine to KGB T-Shirts, past and present.
    • Pictures from the Meet the Officers dinner are finally up.
  • Posted by Cort on 08-30-2000
  • Posted by Cort on 08-21-2000
    • The Propaganda section is now accessible, though its content still needs plenty of work. First things first.
    • Added horizontal rules around the body of every page, to better separate it from the header and footer. Still tracking down the bugs this has introduced.
  • Posted by Cort on 08-19-2000
    • The top & bottom navigation bars were removed due to lack of interest.
    • The dynamic font gizmos were removed due to lack of support.
    • I have crafted a set of perl scripts that will automatically update all pages in the site whenever the look'n'feel changes! Fear my perl-fu!
    • The Booth section was swallowed up by Activities; you'll find it there.
  • Posted by Cort on 08-06-2000
    • News page added. Yes, this one.
    • A new navigation system makes its debut. it's pretty ugly right now, but since it's based on Cascading Style Sheets, the potential exists to make it far far prettier without a whole lot of effort. And that's exactly what I'll do, as soon as I figure out why dynamic fonts aren't behaving the way they should...

Current top banner: The night before Carnival 2005. (credit: Abe Wong) Reload for a new one.

Copyright © The Carnegie Mellon KGB.
Top banner and other media copyright © their respective owners.